Friday, October 1, 2021

Minnesota and North Dakota

 Playing catch-up is not something I like to do but it seems I have fallen into this scenario again. It seems life just gets in the way sometimes and having fun is almost always a priority.

After spending an extended stay in the UP of Michigan we continue our trek along highway 2 through the northern states.  Let me preface this statement with the fact that we are having to contend with a dreaded “black tank” problem! All RVers know about this and hope it happens to the “other” guy. We know what the problem was, how it happened, just don’t know the remedy. Luckily it didn’t keep us from traveling but it was always an irritating thought….what if?


As we weave in and out of time zones we finally end up in Duluth, MN. Having never been there before to visit, we had decided the top thing to do was the Northern Lake Superior Scenic Drive. It is 143 miles long but because of time constraints we were only able to about 55 miles.  There was so much to see but I am sure there was a lot we missed. I have a few highlights to share with you.

                                             One of the many awesome Lake Superior scenes
Gooseberry Falls
                                                        Two Harbors, MN 125 year old tug
                                                                  Split Rock lighthouse
                                   Lighthouse from the beach. Most photographed scene in MN

Is true, we do not have a schedule to meet but we feel like we need to move on. The ever niggling problem of the infamous blank tank looms over us, and (keeping our fingers crossed) check to make sure it has not become any worse. It’s not any better but has not prevented us from moving on.

Next stop is the Red River SP in E Grand Forks, MN. We don’t usually do State Parks because they aren’t always able to accommodate big rigs. Boy, we’re we surprised. It wasn’t exactly easy to find the entrance, winding through city streets and business district AND in the rain. It is one of the nicest state parks we have seen. In 1959 there was a major flood there and the city bought up 500 homes and created a flood plain and a beautiful park. We were only there for 2 nights but I sure got a lot of exercise while there.
                                                              Our morning visitor while walking
                                                       The river follows the park trail
                                                               Trail distance markers
In case you need a few minutes to rest

Even though we are having fun and the weather is beautiful, we pack up our things and make our way, slowly, to Montana. Visited another SP, Turtle River in ND on our way to Minot. It also was a very nice state park. Before we get to Minot, we stopped at the Geographical Center of North America in Rugby ND.

While we were stopped we noticed a Prairie Museum almost next door. Can we get this beast turned around to go see it? Museums are a “gotta see” thing. Luck was on our side as both places were on a service drive with a large parking lot. Before we could change our minds, there we were walking inside the museum and being given directions to best see the exhibits. It was a village loaded with history. We finally drove away a few hours later. I won’t bore you with all the pictures I took but will share a few to give you an idea of what we experienced.
                                                              The General store had it all.
                                                 Statue of the tallest man in the world from ND.
                                                        Someone is not paying attention!
                                                 These dresses were referred to a jingle  dresses.
                                                      A train car used to transport workers.
                            A huge collection of classic vehicles was also housed at the museum.

It’s time to mosey along as we have reservations at a campground and we do not like to setup late. Getting an RV parked and setup after dark can be rather entertaining and we do t like being the topic of discussion.  
We have watched enough and had a few good laughs. With time on our side, we manage to find the campground without getting lost…that’s always a plus. We rest our weary bones, check our blank tank, yep, still frustrating and trying our patience, but for now  it is “status quo”. We are ready to relax and plan out our next stop, Montana. We have never been to MT and are excited about all there is to see and do there.

Until we meet again, get outside and breath that fresh air, take a walk in the woods and let the breeze blow freely around you. While out there remember to look up, it’s amazing out there.


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