Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Summer Update

Not much has happened this summer here in Michigan. We accomplished what we mainly came for. Rob worked a bit, we connected with the family, got to attend the birthday celebrations of our grandkids…and great grandkids. Those little ones sure are growing way fast!

We managed to get some local exploring in; thanks to son and family, we got some boating time in; got to exercise these old bones doing some cleanup work in the woods, thanks to my daughter and family. And thanks to Mother Nature, seems we were always doing a little cleanup around the campsite because of all the rain that came more frequently than we liked but, it definitely helped the Michigan drought conditions.

We met up with some of our friends, which is always a fun time, to say the least. Fulfilled our annual obligations of making sure we are healthy by visiting our doctors. Happy to say, we are good for another year.


Speaking of good to go, we will be heading out early this year. In fact, in just about 2 weeks.  Our plans include traveling the northern states before we reach our destination of Arizona. In order to do that though, we need to travel while the weather is good because the northern states have a shorter “window of opportunity” due to possible weather conditions. Travel highlights to follow.


The past 18 months has been trying on all of us, some worse than others. Covid has changed our lives and the world as we knew it. Traveling cross country during that time proved to be challenging at times but also interesting as each state handled things differently. We didn’t always know what to expect. 


We were hoping this year would give us all a new bright outlook on life….Certainly Covid would be behind us! Not. Traveling as we do makes us very happy and independent. We choose where we want to be and for how long. We choose who we want to be with and why. We choose to live a healthy lifestyle, or not.  The choices are ours to make…and yours. 


Unfortunately, the big hype today is whether someone has been “jabbed” or not. Really? It’s never been a concern before and it shouldn’t be now. It’s really no one else’s business.  It never even enters ours minds as we travel and I hope it never does. It would take away our freedom. If everyone makes good choices, for the good of themselves, then we are doing the best we can. The media is trying to divide us! Don’t let it happen. Be with those you love and enjoy. Celebrate life. Be kind. Be good to yourself, and others.  Let’s all make the best of what we are given. Get outdoors and enjoy this big, beautiful world. And don’t forget to look up, it’s amazing out there.