Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Covid19 Affects Us All

All day today I have been having thoughts of this past year and how it has changed our lives and the world as we knew it. Covid19 entered this country, and because of it, brought things to a halt! It was topped off with a disastrous election, dividing so many friends, families neighbors. We should never have let this happen. Our country is based on faith, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Too many people will find the pursuit of happiness is something they may never be able to achieve again. They are the ones who know too well the effects of Covid19 on a body that is compromised.

I don’t think there is one person who has not been touched by this nasty virus! Whether a loved one, a close friend, a good neighbor, a co-worker or just a casual acquaintance, you can’t help but be affected by it. I know I have been. The first one was someone I worked with years ago. He fought a good fight for months but he finally succumbed to it after a lengthy hospitalization. There were several of our friends who tested positive but were able to self medicate at home and recovered just fine. A good friend and fellow “workamper” tested positive,  sought out medical attention, and ended up being treated with an infusion similar to the one President Trump received. He recovered very quickly. And now a very dear friend of mine has been hospitalized and I am not sure of the severity of it yet. He has diabetes, which we all know, diabetics seem to be very susceptible to Covid, as is obesity.


No one knows for sure why some get Covid and others don’t. I guess it’s just like so many of the other illnesses and diseases. All these examples makes me question what we really know about this virus after all this time and if it is really being handled correctly. It has been proven that most people, regardless of age, can overcome this virus if they are in good health! We know that those with compromised health need to take extra precautions. We also know that there are preventative procedures that actually work! We also know that many will have a natural immunity!


Rob and I talked about what we should do and what our plan of action should be. Being a full time RVer does have its advantages. First we told to social distance…no big deal, we’re used to social-distancing. We did it before it became “mandatory “, it’s just what we do. Then we were told if you can’t social distance, then we need to wear a mask. Then we were told to social distance and wear a mask, regardless! Ok, now listen y’all, this is my opinion. Whoever made up these “rules” had no idea how to handle this. They changed their minds so many times that I gave up trying to follow them. We all have our own opinions, beliefs, attitudes. We always have and always will. So why are so many people being shamed, ridiculed, bullied, and losing friends over what they believe? That’s not who we are.


We do what we are comfortable with….social distance, only wear masks when mandatory, and respect everyone else’s choices. But even more importantly, we know that a healthy body has a much better chance of fighting the virus should we become infected. Since so many places were closed down and we had time on our hands, we set a plan in place. We eat very healthy, are losing weight, exercising and providing our body with additional supplements that have been “proven” to help the body fight off infection. So far, so good. The one thing I feel really bad about is the fact that we are not taught this in our early years or told to us by doctors.  Just think how many lives may have been saved. Now so much of this information has either been blocked, people refuse to believe in it or they think it’s it’s too late!


Well, its never too late to change your ways. Don’t wait for a doctor to tell you you’re sick. Take your health seriously and be your own advocate, do your own research and look for helpful information. Don’t count on others. We have no idea when this madness will end. So be prepared and be healthy and give yourself a fighting chance.


Thanks for listening and I pray to God that each and everyone of you remain healthy and happy....and informed.

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