After many weeks of “Staying in Place” in Georgia, thanks to my daughter, we were able to secure a place to land in Michigan, even though the Govenor has the state in “lockdown”. What was even better is the fact that, if we had to, we could stay the entire season. We were beginning to feel like a passenger on the MTA, never to return.
The travels through five states to get to Michigan was uneventful, thankfully, and a very pleasant drive. On the other hand, finding campgrounds open was basically non-existant. I had visions of us parked along the road some where in nowhere land, being hauled off to jail for breaking the law! Our journey for a 4 day trip worked out well but had to alter plans based on places to stay. We learned a long time ago to be flexible.
As we traveled through the different states we found it odd to see one state with hardly any traffic, businesses closed and road construction at a stand still, and then the cross over the state line and things were completely opposite. Rest stops were open with notices about social distancing and washing your we needed to be reminded of it, again! Roads were being worked on and no evidence of a virus going around. I guess that’s the way it will be as states start opening up at different times. It felt like we were part of a science fiction movie.
Long last we cross over the Michigan border....ahhh, Pure Michigan. Or so we thought. What we found was really disheartening. The Welcome center was not only closed, but looked like a crime scene as the entrance was barricaded with caution tape. It certainly did not make us feel very welcome. Wonder how other out-of-staters felt. Was I taking this too personal? Maybe, maybe not. Covid19 has changed the way we live and travel for sure. We certainly were not prepared to travel with such restrictions. I sure hope by the time we travel next fall things will be a little more relaxed and normalized.
We are here for the duration of Summer and part of Fall although it appears Summer (or even Spring) is taking its good ole time getting here. We have had to alter our wearing apparel. Shorts and sandals just won’t work right now. Luckily we were able to locate our warm clothes as they are a must right now, along with gloves, earmuffs and boots! Brrr, my body does not do well in the cold any more. Guess I have been spoiled by enjoying warm winters that the southern states offer.
There are still so many places in Michigan to explore, even though we have lived here all our lives. We are looking forward to traveling the backroads looking for wonders that are waiting to be explored. It’s the best way to Social Distance...get fresh air, sunshine and exercise.
We hope this blog finds you all in good health, physically, mentally and spiritually. Enjoy your time with your loved ones and don’t forget to wash your hands. And whenever you are out exploring don’t forget to look up, it’s amazing out there.
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